About Us
Rules of the Hall
- Don't be an ass
- If we offended you with the first rule. We're glad we got it out of the way
- We don't mind course language. But someone else might. Maintain low tones
- No children at the bar... They're angry drunks
- Don't talk about Fight Club
- We're not going to repeat rule #5
- Do not address your bartender as any of the following: beertender, tarbender, mixologist, champ, sport, nurse, beer wench, toots, baby, etc. Ask for our name and we'll be happy to tell you
- If you choose to break rule #7, we reserve the right to call you "Miss Jackson" (that's right, we're nasty)
- We love talking about our bar, but if you begin a sentence with, "you know what you should do..." stop. We don't come to your house and tell you where to put the couch. If we listened to everyone with a bright idea, you'd be eating a fried bologna sandwich served by a singing waiter on roller skates in a cowboy hat and sitting next to a black lit cage dancing monkey
- Whoever said there are no stupid questions was stupid
- Whoever said the customer is always right was probably wrong a lot
- Dont touch the staff. Respect our personal space and remember, we have easy access to knives
- Relax, have fun, and laugh a little. It will keep you young.